The Best Archery Ranges in and around Denver, Colorado

Visiting Denver, Colorado has shown me new opportunities for expanding my archery skills and knowledge. I have learned how to enjoy archery even more than I do now!

The list of the best archery ranges in Denver, Colorado:

  • Bear Creek Archery Inc
  • No Limits Archery
  • Archery Games Denver

Denver is the capital of Colorado and dates all the way back to the Old West. 19th-century buildings can be found on the oldest block, Larimer Square. There are tons of amazing things to do around Denver.

One of the best parts is there are new experiences available for archers who are looking for something new. Starting with the best archery ranges around.

Bear Creek Archery Inc

Bear Creek Archery Inc is found in Denver, Colorado. It is an indoor archery range as well as a full-service pro shop.

Indoor Archery Range

They offer 16 shooting lanes as far as 20 yards long. They just upgraded their lighting with a TV screen camera system.

This offers the best range environment with advanced lighting and camera system to see the targets and arrows up close.

When you shoot your arrow at the target, you will be able to use the tv and zoom in to see where your arrow landed instead of walking all the way up to the target.

They have fully certified bow techs and instructors available to help teach and assist archers.

Range Prices

(These prices are all via Bear Creek Archery Inc Website and they state)

  • $8.00 – Adult Daily including Blue Face Target
  • $0.50 – Vegas Target
  • $6.00 – Youth under 12 & Senior Daily
  • 5 punch card $30 ($25 senior/youth)
  • 10 punch card $60 ($50 senior youth)
  • Rental fee $10 (Recurve)
  • Monthly* Adults – $60.00
  • Youth & Seniors – $45.00
  • Family (up to 3) – $80.00
  • Yearly* Individual – $600.00 shoot anytime all year
  • *punch cards and monthly fees cannot be used for league fees
  • Intro to Archery Class $25

Archery Instruction

They offer professional coaching for any level (competition, adults, kids 6-18 years old).

You can make an available appointment on their website.

Rental Equipment

They offer Recurve and Genesis bows to rent on the range. The rental will include 4 arrows, an arm guard, and a finger tab. ($6 per a shooter)

Archery leagues

They have Thursday and Friday Night events for archery leagues.

From 7-8 pm up to 12 teams of two can participate.

Every time they have a new league available, they will have it on their website for you to sign up.

Range Events (Weekly)

(Stated per Bear Creek Archery Inc. via website)

Monday Night – State Mail-In tournaments (during season)
Tuesday Night – JOAD Team Practice 6-8pm (winter months)
Wednesday Night – 7-8pm (winter months)
Thursday Night – League 7-8pm
Friday Night – League 7-8pm

D.A.R.T. Video Archery

This is a new way of archery! You challenge yourself with this video bow hunt system. It will help sharpen your skills with different animals to aim at and unique shot opportunities.

Open Shooting

They offer ranges of 16 lanes along with the video archery system for open shooting.

You do not need a membership for this experience!

Archery Classes

IF there are any new shooters under the age of 18 you have to take the Intro to Archery before you are allowed to shoot on the range.

There are several classes available for all levels. Just call 303-781-8733 to get all of their info on their classes.

Hours of Operation:


No Limits Archery

No Limits Archery is a full-service pro shop and has the largest archery facility in the state. They have an indoor range as well as an outdoor range.

And they offer the D.A.R.T. Archery video system!

D.A.R.T Archery

If you don’t remember what this was. It is a virtual archery video system that allows you to aim at animal targets with different unique shooting scenarios.

Indoor Archery Range

They have an indoor range with 38 lanes at 20 yards and 8 lanes at 30-40 yards.

Indoor Range Prices

  • $8-Adult
  • $7-Youth

They do have recurve and compound bow rental equipment available as well for the indoor shooting range.

Outdoor Archery Range

They have an outdoor range as well that offers sight in bales out to 100 yards and during the spring and summer they set up 20 targets outdoor 3D range open during daylight hours.

They do have professionals on-site that will help anyone that needs it.

Outdoor Range Prices

  • $10-Adult
  • $9-Youth

They do not have rental equipment for the outdoor range.

Archery Classes

Go to their class schedule to register.

They have classes for anyone from introduction to competitive.

All the classes that are available to choose from:

  • Winter Indoor 3D championships1 hour, 45 mins $25
  • Bowhunting 1.0/ Intro to Compound archery, 55 mins $0
  • Bowhunting 2.0/ Shot Execution, Aiming and anchor points, 55 mins $15
  • Bow Tuning Basics, 1 hour, 30 mins $20
  • Bow tuning 3.0, 1 hour, 30 mins $45
  • Recreational league- Recurve (Intro Class), 55 mins $15
  • Recreational league- Compound (Intro Class), 55 mins $20
  • Bowhunting 3.0 – Using a hinge or a tension style release, 55 mins $15
  • The Alpha Bowhunting Way Workshop 2.0 (SPLIT SESSION), 7 hours $125
  • Webinar- Alpha Way All Day workshop- Webinar Only, 7 hours, 30 mins $50
  • Arrow Building Essentials, 1 hour $15
  • The Alpha Bowhunting Way- Condensed Workshop, 3 hours, 30 mins $80


They have a 3D league every Thursday night at 7pm. This is an indoor event that allows archers to come together and learn to aim at various different animal targets.

They have a spot league every Tuesday night at 7pm. This is an indoor event that trains and compete with other leagues for target shooting and grouping.

And just for perks! They have their pro shop which is also available online!

Hours of Operation:


Archery Games Denver

This archery game is something you will want to experience. Archery Games Denver is a family-friendly archery dodgeball game. They offer parties for birthday events, team building, bachelor parties, etc.

This is Denver’s only archery dodgeball arena!

How is it played?

Two teams battle against each other with bows and FOAM arrows in the archery arena. The game rules are similar to dodge ball but the goal of the game is to tag all of the opposing players with arrows in order to eliminate them.

The arrows are fully foam so they will not be painful or leave any marks.

You do have the sign the waiver before you can begin.

There is no archery experience required and before every game will be a 15-minute prep session with target practice with their instructors.

Game Prices

  • All games are 75 minutes long
  • Regular sessions-$27 (all equipment is included)
  • Private game for up to 20 players-$475 (all equipment is included)

Equipment includes bow and arrow and face mask along with arm protection. Each game will be prepped with training and target practice.

Each game will be fully-refereed. You can reserve a table for after the game and bring your own food and (soft) drinks.

Hours of Operation:


Archery League

Their Monday night winter league begins January 13th!

It offers free orientation and the league runs 8 weeks and matches are 1 hour long each week.

It contains 6 vs. 6 on the field with teams of 7.

League members’ prices are $15 an hour and they will get 30% off drinks.

You can register on their website.


If you are going to visit Denver, Colorado, any or all three of these archery ranges will be worth the visit. The family will enjoy each archery range.

But Archery Games Denver will be the best part of your trip. This game is so much fun and really gets the whole family of all ages involved.

Not only can you have a blast playing but you learn how to enhance your skills with real moving targets (your opponents)!

Related Questions

Where Are Some Of The Best Archery Shops Around Denver, Colorado?

The best archery shops around Denver, Colorado is High Impact Archery, Bowhunters Edge Archery, and B Pellegrino’s Archery Hut Llc.

Is Archery Safe For Kids?

Yes, archery is safe for children as long as they are aware of safety requirements and have an adult with them at all times. Most archery ranges will have kids take an intro class and a safety test before shooting any targets.