Can you shoot a wooden bow in the winter?

If you live in a colder climate, like me, then you know that long winters can really put a damper on outdoor some outdoor activities.  But what about archery?  Where I live in Alberta, Canada, it can get down to -30 degrees Celsius pretty regularly.  Since I’m a traditional archer shooting wooden bows, I was … Read more

The Best Archery Ranges In and Around Grand Rapids, Michigan

While visiting Grand Rapids Michigan, you can enjoy the view and the fresh air, but I also found amazing archery ranges to explore! List of the best archery ranges in Grand Rapids, Michigan: West Michigan Archery Center Sportsman’s Club of Battle Creek Country Woods Archery Grand Rapids is a city near the Grand River in … Read more

What is the Best Wood for a Recurve Bow?

I found the best wood for my recurve bow while I was learning the skills that come with handling a recurve bow and making my recurve bow the very best. There are many types of wood that make great recurve bows like osage orange, bamboo, red oak, hickory, ipe, eastern redcedar, dogwood, and most hardwoods … Read more

Best Archery Ranges In The Bay Area

Archery Ranges Bay Area

The San Francisco Bay Area, popularly referred to as the Bay Area, is known for a lot of things. Fine wine, beautiful beaches and technological innovation. But it also is the home to many highly reviewed and well respected archery ranges too! There are so many to choose from; with many welcoming inexperienced beginners all … Read more

A 5-step Practice Routine for Next Level Archery Skills

After practicing archery for years, you might that you hit a plateau. You don’t seem to be getting any worse, but you are also not getting any better. Finding a good practice routine will help bring your skills to the next level. I have a 5-step practice routine for next level archery skills, but if … Read more

The Best Archery Ranges in and around Fort Collins, Colorado

I visited Colorado to find the best archery ranges around! It was beautiful and I found some great places for any archer to have a blast! The list of the best Archery Ranges in Fort Collins, Colorado: Archery In the Wild Rocky Mountain Archery Fort Collins Archery Association Range Fort Collins is a city found … Read more